Truong Tran is available for interviews and event/reading proposals for his upcoming publication: Book of the Other.
Please inquire further for digital press kits.


10.17.21 - Litquake / DVAN
[IN-PERSON] - Links: Tockify, Eventbrite, Facebook

11.11.21 - Piedmont University
[VIRTUAL] - Link: Coming soon!

11.11.12 - SF MOMA
[IN-PERSON] - Link: SF Moma

11.13.21 - Berkeley Art Center
[IN - PERSON] - Link: Berkeley Art Center

11.14.21 - Skylight Books
[VIRTUAL] - Link: Coming soon!

11.17.21 - Beyond Baroque
[VIRTUAL] - Link: Coming soon!

11.19.21 - Green Apple Books - LAUNCH
[IN-PERSON] - Link: Green Apple Books
[VIRTUAL OF LIVE READING] - Link: Green Apple Books - Register to Join Online Viewing

12.01.21 - City Lights Bookstore
[VIRTUAL] - Link: City Lights Bookstore, Eventbrite

12.02.21 - University of Washington - Bothell
[VIRTUAL] - Link: Coming soon!

12.03.21 - Small Press Traffic
[IN-PERSON] - Link: Small Press Traffic

12.09.21 - Kearny Street Workshop and Kundiman
[VIRTUAL] - Link: Coming soon!

Select Press

  • Asian Review of Books

    October 19, 2021

    “Just as the denial of tenure for Nikole Hannah-Jones with University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Wang Ping at Macalester have made headlines for academic racism targeting Black professors and professors of color, Truong Tran’s book of the other is a timely commentary on the inequities built into the white establishment within academia and beyond…”

  • Vimeo - Book Release Trailer - Kaya & Slow Clap

    Teacher and Poet Truong Tran opens up about his new book from Kaya Press: Book of the Other.


    Please check back after the official book launch in mid-November.